Experience Afudaa in Nigeria!
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General Safety Tips

Regrettably, we may not be present throughout every phase of your interaction with sellers. However, we can provide you with valuable tips to safeguard yourself from any undesirable situations.

Verify contact details 💳 ✋

Always double check the information of sellers. When you reach out to them on whatsapp or phone call. refuse to have any conversation outside the contact we share with you

Advance Payment ❌

Exercise caution and avoid making advance payments for product items yet to be delivered.

Shine your eyes 👀👀

Shine your eyes. Some things maybe appear too good to true. Especially prices of items you believe to be worth more

Never give out your financial information that can be misused 💳 ✋

Be careful and avoid scams or frauds such as fake payment services, fee requests, or requests to use money transfer services. Never share your PIN codes or passwords with anyone.

Help us take out scam sellers

Please provide info and evidences if you have been abused, scammed or you feel we should have a look